Saturday, 9 November 2013

Trick or Treat? Open Mic #10

The Halloween special brought its fair share of horrors!  Well there was me for a start, ranting on about spiders, flat worms and slugs, against a back drop of looped electronics - intending to slowly turn into a vampire as the night went on, but failing at the blood lust.  There was the lead singer of awesome band The Yum (right) looking wonderfully horrific made up like Chucky’s Bride.  And there were friends of the band (pictured below) supporting this whole trick or treat thing with big smiles.

I’m increasingly amazed how massive Halloween has become and maybe if it continues its rise it will replace Christmas and we’ll all be buying each other presents for Halloween and getting together with the family for a trick or treat party of some kind.  I guess the shops and supermarkets would love this, but I for one hope it doesn't get any bigger.

The night started slowly and I was wondering if there were going to be many people in.  But an hour later the place was nicely filled with a perfect balance of performers and audience.  Whereas previous nights had sometimes been mostly performers, this night was mostly audience, with around six performances in total.

Music ranged from the beautiful ballads of Jess and Eloise to the original and quirky combination of ukelele, melodica, korg keyboard and stylophone with Jimmy Andrex.  There was poetry from Tim, who has also recently published a novel called Zeus of Ithome on Crooked Cat (pictured right) and song from Jim, then an almighty set from The Yum, featuring (all the way from Italy) Giordano Girotto on keyboards.

I liked the simplicity of this night.  I liked the fact that I didn’t have to pressurise and keep the performers to a specific time, there was ample time.  The only thing there didn’t seem to be time for was changing into the vampire outfit I’d brought along and all in all that was probably a good thing.